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About GI 888,tech

GIFTS Innovations


GIFTS Innovations is developed to look at today's global concerns and engineer solutions to be added tools in protective and production technology. It is also this industry's directive to formulate partnerships with multiple organizations, corporations and community groups to develop training and job programs to manufacture this industry's lifesaving technology.

This industry's headquarters will be located in the first industry GPSS ( GIFTS Planetary Super Structure) estimated to begin phase 1 and 2 in late 2025 once a location has been decided. The construction of this revolutionary facility will come from industry revenue generation in-conjunction with Grants and Privet Loans from those who invest in this industry 23rd century global super structure. 

This GPSS technology brings forth multiple innovations in atmospheric organic agriculture and seafood farming, magnetic interphase cube multi fruit atmospheric and seafood farming, new bio algae organic food production, clean air filtration and multi green energy power plant production facilities. All GPSS developments are geared towards each facilities independents, revenue production and job creation. By multiplying these GPSS plants together as a green campus any region will increase and benefit multiple times over from what they produce in bulk.

It is our goal to generate revolutionary innovations and technology to become industry standards and leaders in living in harmony with future environmental global threats that face us all. 


Imanuel C.R.Gifts

( The Afters God is with us video  ) 

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